
As a staff member you are responsible to mainain good activity within Maple Toronto Roleplay. You should be frequently assisting in staff tasks, moderating, and interacting with the community. Staff members have a set quota of hours they must complete in order to not be disciplined.


You are expected to be active within Wisconsin State Roleplay and complete the staff quota in order to pass the week. Quotas are due every week by Sunday. A member of the management team will go through your shift time and see who fails the quota and then will give those staff members an infraction. You can see the quotas for each rank below: -> Management - 1-hour quota -> Internal Affairs - 2 hours and 30 minutes quota -> Administration, Moderation - 3 hours and 30 minutes quota

In addition to staff members' in-game quota, staff members are also required to send many messages per day to prove their activity in the Wisconsin State Roleplay staff team. Staff members who fail to send many messages for two days straight (without notifying a High-Ranking staff member) will be given an inactivity notice.

Leave Of Absences

You cannot request an LOA for more than 15 days or for less than four days. You also must wait 1 week before requesting another LOA.

If you for any reason are unable to meet your staff quota for the week you can request a leave of absence. This will exempt you from that week's quota. You must go on the Melonly moderation panel to request a leave of absence. If you aren't sure how to do this click here to view Melonly's documentation. Please be detailed when requesting a leave. Management members reserve the right to decline your request if you do not provide enough detail.

Last updated