
As a staff member, you are required to follow our guidelines and regulations found here. When a staff member fails to adhere to and follow these guidelines, infractions are issued by the high-ranking team. Infractions can vary from warnings and strikes to suspensions, terminations, and blacklists.

What are warnings?

Warnings are issued when a guideline is broken but does not meet the criteria for more severe infractions, such as a strike. Warnings are considered minor and serve as a reminder to follow our regulations. However, accumulating 3 warnings will result in an automatic strike.

What are strikes?

Strikes are issued when a guideline is broken and the infraction is mildly severe but does not warrant a demotion or termination. Strikes are assigned on a case-by-case basis, taking into account your staff history. They can be issued for breaking regulations such as shift grinding or provoking an argument. However, accumulating 3 strikes will result in a demotion.

Am I able to appeal my infractions?

Starting drama in staff channels or public channels will not benefit you and will result in further consequences, such as a demotion or termination.

Infractions are wiped every 30 days. While infractions are removed from public view, the directive team still has access to them. They are not completely deleted and will be retained for records. However, previous records will not be used against you.

If you believe that your infraction was wrong or unjust, you can open an 'Internal Affairs' ticket if your infraction message in #Infractions states that you are eligible to appeal. You must provide reasoning and evidence as to why you think your infraction should be revoked.

Last updated