Requesting Roleplays

Here at Wisconsin State Roleplay, we have specific roleplays that players need to request and get approval from a staff member to participate in or start. These roleplays are not permitted to be started when no staff member has approved them.

Bank Robbery

  • Player Requirement: 4 members in the group who rob the bank

  • Police Requirement: At least 6 active police officers in-game

  • Server Requirement: No Priority or Peace Timer activated

Kidnap Roleplay

  • Player Requirement: At least 2 kidnappers and 1 victim

  • Police Requirement: At least 5 police officers in-game

  • Server Requirement: No Priority or Peace Timer activated

Hostage Roleplay

  • Player Requirement: At least 2 hostage takers and 2 hostages

  • Police Requirement: At least 10 police officers in-game

  • Server Requirement: No Priority or Peace Timer activated

Major Road Work Roleplay [DOT]

  • Player Requirement: At least 6 Department of Transportation members

  • Police Requirement: At least 5 police officers in-game

  • Server Requirement: No Priority or Peace Timer activated

This only applies to major road works that require more DOT personnel. Closing one lane or a part of the road to remove a tree does not count as major road work.

Major Emergency Roleplay [FD, EMS, DOT]

  • Player Requirement: At least 5 Department of Transportation members, 5 Fire Department members, and 5 Medical Service members

  • Police Requirement: At least 10 police officers in-game

  • Server Requirement: No Priority or Peace Timer activated

Major emergency roleplays include: Tunnel Collapse, Bridge Collapse, Plane Crash, Gas Station Explosion, and Motor Vehicle Accident.

Last updated