
Staff Commands

This page is a dedicated rundown of all available commands that our staff at Wisconsin State Roleplay are permitted or required to use in our Discord for moderation within our in-game server and Discord server, including brief explanations of what each command does.

Where do I use these commands?

The #bot-commands channel is not to be used for any of the commands listed below!

Our server has specific channels for command usage based on your rank. Regular staff should use the #staff-commands channel. High Ranks or Management+ should use the #hr-commands channel.

What bot should I use?

It is not permitted for any staff or member of Wisconsin State Roleplay to use any bots other than those specified, such as Boomerang or Wick.

We have a variety of bots in our server, and many of them can perform similar tasks.

  • Wisconsin Game Utilities — In-game related commands

  • Circle — Discord moderation

  • Melonly — Shift and in-game punishment related commands

Which commands can I use?

While most commands can be used by all staff ranks, there are certain commands that are only permitted for high ranks or management+.

All commands listed below can be used by all staff.

Discord Commands


!staff @user — Sends an application embed to the channel if a member asks how to apply at WSRP.

!vip @user — Explains how to gain the "Recognized Member" role.

!filetype @user — Tells user to upload their videos to Streamable/Yotube (if they aren't already in the .MP4/MOV format)

!dcmessage @user — Explains why a user might still be receiving PMs in-game for not being in the Discord server.


/shift manage — Manage your shift.

/shift online — Show a list of staff currently on shift.

/logs create — Log an in-game punishment issued to a user.

/logs view — View in-game punishments issued to a user.

Wisconsin Game Utilities

/server view — View server aspects of the in-game session (players, vehicles, etc.).

/log-roleplay — Log a roleplay scene where permission has been granted by staff.

/request-5050 — Request permission to start a 50/50 moderation shift. View regulations for 50/50 moderation here

In-Game Commands

All commands must be ran with 4+ letters! e.g. :kick lav would not be allowed, but :kick lavo would be allowed.

Management+ are permitted to use any commands.


:load — Used to respawn a player.

:refresh — Used to refresh a player's avatar.

:to — Used to teleport to a player.

:bring — Used to teleport a player to you.

:tocar — Used to teleport yourself to your car.

:wanted — Used to make a player wanted (e.g., for FRP'ing as LEO, or to cuff someone in a mod scene).

:kick — Used to kick a player from the server. Please follow the punishment guide.

:heal — Used to heal/revive a player.

:pm — Used to send a message directly to a player.

:view — Used to spectate a player.

:pt — Used to set a peace timer when the server is chaotic. Please keep the peace timer below 5 minutes.

:h — Used to send a hint at the top of the screen. Must follow the announcement regulations.

:killlogs — Used to view the most recent kill logs in the server.


:ban — Used to ban a player from the server.

:unban — Used to unban a player from the server.

:mod — Used to grant moderation privileges to a player.

:unmod — Used to remove moderation privileges from a player.

:prty — Used to set a priority timer.

:m — Used to send a message to everyone (must have approval from Management+).

Last updated